Postal History South Africa
Quote from Albertlr on November 6, 2020, 6:47 pmDear Editor,
As a new member, I want to let you know, about my Blog.
Only in Dutch.
There you can see my collection up to date.
I am still working aut some other nice objects, soon you can see them at my Blog.
I hope to ask you, or other members when I have problems to work out of some postal history.
Albert Ruijne
Dear Editor,
As a new member, I want to let you know, about my Blog.
Only in Dutch.
There you can see my collection up to date.
I am still working aut some other nice objects, soon you can see them at my Blog.
I hope to ask you, or other members when I have problems to work out of some postal history.
Albert Ruijne
Quote from Jamie Smith on November 6, 2020, 11:59 pmAlbertir. Sorry but I am unable to open the postal history section.
Albertir. Sorry but I am unable to open the postal history section.
Quote from Steve on November 7, 2020, 8:55 amJamie, copy Albert's blog address and go to Google. Paste it in as a search query. Albert's blog should come up.
Albert, baie dankie, neef. My Hollands is taamlik swak maar my Afrikaans is 'n bietjie beter. Ek is 'n Suid Afrikaner, 'n bietjie Boer met die grote gedeelte Engels. Aan my Afrikaanse ouma se kant van die familie is ons Nels, Hugenote van Rouen in Frankryk. Die Nel stamvader, Guillam, het in Rotterdam gelewe voor hy in 1682 naar die Kaap vertrek het. Vir my sonde, ek lewe nou in Engeland.
Many years ago, on an "auto-stop" hitching trip through Europe I attempted to talk Afrikaans to a Dutch girl who laughed, saying it was "baby talk". So, I will stop there. Welcome to the SA Philately Club. We look forward to receiving your questions and doing as much as we can to help you with your postal history. You have some lovely covers and postcards which some of our SAPC members will be envious of. I am sure that Bob Hilll will admire your Alfred Docks Cape Town postcard and your map of Durban / Point.
I see that you have an interest in birds. We have formidable bird watchers among our members, not least Jamie Smith.
Jamie, copy Albert's blog address and go to Google. Paste it in as a search query. Albert's blog should come up.
Albert, baie dankie, neef. My Hollands is taamlik swak maar my Afrikaans is 'n bietjie beter. Ek is 'n Suid Afrikaner, 'n bietjie Boer met die grote gedeelte Engels. Aan my Afrikaanse ouma se kant van die familie is ons Nels, Hugenote van Rouen in Frankryk. Die Nel stamvader, Guillam, het in Rotterdam gelewe voor hy in 1682 naar die Kaap vertrek het. Vir my sonde, ek lewe nou in Engeland.
Many years ago, on an "auto-stop" hitching trip through Europe I attempted to talk Afrikaans to a Dutch girl who laughed, saying it was "baby talk". So, I will stop there. Welcome to the SA Philately Club. We look forward to receiving your questions and doing as much as we can to help you with your postal history. You have some lovely covers and postcards which some of our SAPC members will be envious of. I am sure that Bob Hilll will admire your Alfred Docks Cape Town postcard and your map of Durban / Point.
I see that you have an interest in birds. We have formidable bird watchers among our members, not least Jamie Smith.