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Ephemera - Chromolith Prints late 19th C.

I found the three prints below in a box of stuff. They are old, possibly late 19th C., stained and a bit foxed.

The chromalith colours are rich.  The "Sunset" print suggest trek boers on the open veld, probably around 1820 or later. The "Encampment in Potchefstroom" shows unidentified flags, (South African Republic?), a photographer and an artist. Perhaps this image  shows some adventurous naturalists. "The Victoria Falls of the Zambesi" shows the "Smoke that Thunders" if full, magnificent spate.  

Their size is +- 8.5" x 5.5" (220 x 140mm).  I know little about them. Can you help They appear to have been torn out of a book. Can anyone date them and suggest where they are from. The caption below says "Chromalith - v A. Schutze Berlin". I believe Germany was the leader in chemistry and printing in the 19th C. I am happy to supply club members with downloaded hi-res files for printing on request.

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  • Chromolith-x-3-SA-prints3.jpg