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The printing sequence of the S.A. 2d roto unhyphenated issues

Normally the way the same denomination issues were printed, was, the new one following had the same colours as the previous, for the first printing at least. In very few cases this doesn’t apply and probably because they had run out of colour or the stock wasn’t sufficient for a printing run.

In the case of the 2d. roto unhyphenated issues, the printing order is supposed to be issue 1, 2, 1a, 2a, 3 (excluding rolls and booklets). My question is: if issue 2 followed issue 1 why were there different colours used, and yet issue 1a, that followed 2, had the issue 1 colours???. Issues 2 and 2a had identical colours as does the last printing of 2a and the first of 3.

What happened? They kept the colour batch of issue 1 knowing they were going to print issue 1a-hardly likely. They got lucky in the colour mixture, or was the printing order not as above?


We know that issue 2 was a small run and 1a even smaller.

Does anybody have more information or can supply a logical answer?

I have supplied examples of each issue, in arrow controls so that there is no doubt, showing the colours. The sequence as they are shown is issue 1, 1a, 2, 2a, 3

Uploaded files:
  • ISSUE-1.jpg
  • ISSUE-1a.jpg
  • ISSUE-2.jpg
  • ISSUE-2a.jpg
  • ISSUE-3.jpg